Our goal, first and foremost, is to wish all of our visitors a Happy New Year 2022! Just as importantly, we share proven techniques to make your resolutions for a Happy New Year 2022 a reality for you. We share three steps to achieving your goals: SMART Goals, Zig Ziglar, and Becoming Your Best when […]
A Visit from St. Nicholas ~ Happy Christmas!
A Visit from St. Nicholas A Visit from St. Nicholas, more commonly known as, “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” the first phrase of the classic poem by Clement Clarke Moore. A Visit from St. Nicholas BY CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even […]
Happy Thanksgiving Day Poems
Here’s a great poem, among many at https://www.weareteachers.com/thanksgiving-poems-for-kids/ (that’s for kids of all ages!). I was pleased to find this little gem among many via https://www.google.com/search?q=thanksgiving+poems You’ll find more fun Thanksgiving poems for kids at https://gatheredagain.com/thanksgiving-poems-kids/ – including the poem above and One, Two, below: One, Two One, two Here’s some turkey for you. Three, four Here, have […]
Wishing Wisconsin Veterans – and All Vets – Happy Veterans Day!
Wisconsin Veterans enjoy recognition in the We Energies 2021 Cookie Book, Celebrating military service. Note: Thanks to our friend and vendor, Keith Klein, Veteran, U.S. Army, Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners & Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC for sharing this post, so we could share it with you. My wife kicks off the holiday season every year […]
Happy Labor Day with some Labor Day History
Happy Labor Day! Labor Day, observed the first Monday in September, is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being. […]
Independence Day Fireworks courtesy of Patrick Henry
Independence Day fireworks are a staple of our 4th of July celebrations. The real *fireworks* started with the founders of our country, the ‘radicals’ of the 1770s American Revolution. Patrick Henry was among the most radical. Henry did *not* approve of the United States Constitution, because he found it too restrictive. That view led to […]
Memorial Day 2021 – Please Remember & Honor
Happy Memorial Day 2021. A reminder – Memorial Day honors those who died while serving in our military. Veterans Day honors all veterans. Armed Forces Day honors those presently serving. Our family will visit our condo in Minocqua, Wisconsin and barbecue on Memorial Day Weekend. On the holiday we’ll raise a glass to toast those […]
Happy Easter 2021! Where can we see the Risen Jesus?
Happy Easter 2021 ~ Where do we see the Risen Jesus? The temptation in our modern world is to look for proof and evidence with 21st century eyes. The Easter stories were not written for that kind of evidence. We are told there is an empty grave and someone – we don’t know who – […]
Happy New Year 2021! Great to put 2020 in hindsight!
Happy New Year 2021, everyone! The expression “we all have 2020 hindsight” is a favorite since childhood. Now it’s great to say “we all have 2020 in hindsight.” To paraphrase our friend Paul Haut, at W. Haut Specialty Co., between the virus pandemic, the election, the fires out west, the droughts and flooding elsewhere, the […]
Merry Christmas 2020
Merry Christmas 2020 Dear Friends, It’s December, and the end of the year cannot come soon enough. 2020 definitely has been a year that we won’t forget. The pandemic, the election, the stock market, social unrest, all in one year. Masks… I am tired of wearing a mask. My blood pressure is getting higher just […]